Summer Share always coincides with my family vacations.
Phil Tully

James Vincent wrote:

And YOU are invited!

The 35th birthday of VM (as an IBM product) will be celebrated at SHARE in San Diego on Wednesday August 15th, at 6pm in Manchester D of the Manchester Grand Hyatt. If you are planning to be at SHARE, please come and join us for a little revelry to celebrate VM's 35 years of success along with a bit of birthday cake! As a bonus, we might even have some party gifts to give out. ;-) Friends, family, pets - all are invited!

It is also the time to induct new Companions of the Order of Knights of VM. Fellow Knights have been working around the clock to feverishly go through all the viable candidates that will be Knighted at the birthday celebration. To be chosen as a Companion of the Order of Knights of VM by your peers in the VM community really is a significant honor and you should be there to hear and see who has been selected!

I hope to see you ALL there!

Jim Vincent
Eques James, Pastorum Feles - Order of Knights of VM
Linux and VM Program Manager

'in media stat virtus'
Virtue's in the middle

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