For your first change, you also need to look at the CNTLUNIT definition to
make sure that the UNITADD range is large enough to expand your devices.
If not, you can use a MODIFY CU command to expand the range.  Once the
CNTLUNIT range is large enough, your DEFINE DEVICE will work fine.

For your CHPID change, you cannot change a converted CHPID.  You would have
to take the devices offline, delete the IODEVICES, CNTLUNIT and CHPID and
then add them all again.

Rick Barlow
Senior z/VM Systems Programmer
Nationwide Services Co., Web-zLinux Support,
z/VM and System z Linux Support
One Nationwide Plaza  MB-02-201
Columbus OH 43215-2220   U.S.A
Voice: (614) 249-5213    Fax: (614) 249-3912

The IBM z/VM Operating System <IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU> wrote on 08/08/2007
01:07:31 PM:

> Hi,
> I need to make a few changes to my IOCP,
> and (obviously) I want to use the dynamic
> I/O commands of VM to do it.
> The changes are:
> a) On two TYPE=OSD cards, I need to increase the
>    number of defined devices from 16 to 32.
>    The IOCP line now says:
> b) On a reconfigurable TYPE=CVC path, I need to change
>    the initial partition. The IOCP line has changed from
> My understanding is that the first change should be a simple:
> Is that enough? In the IOCP source, the associated partitions
> are not listed on the IODEVICE macro (but rather on the CHPID),
> so why does DEFINE DEVICE have a PARTITION operand?
> Should I use it?
> For the second change I thought that a MODIFY CHPID would be
> the correct command, but I do not see appropriate operands.
> The INITIAL_ACCESS looks like what I need, but it only appears
> as a sub-operand of ADD_CSS.
> What do I need to do?
> Thanks,
> Shimon
> --
> **********************************************************************
> **
> Shimon Lebowitz                mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> VM System Programmer           .
> Israel Police National HQ.
> Jerusalem, Israel              phone: +972 2 542-9877  fax: 542-9308
> **********************************************************************
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