I absolutely agree that it was ALOT of fun. And seeing the new faces is absolutely wonderful. My personal thanks to the other volunteers and the attendees for making this SHARE a great event, I'm looking forward to many, many more.

Film at 11! (or whenever Rick can get it out for viewing)

Sir Rich of Consonants

Bill Munson wrote:
I just got back from SHARE and it was a very good PARTY.
And it was good to see a LOT of new faces in the VM and LINUX sessions.
And Rick filmed a LOT more than just the PARTY, probably enough to do a feature length MOVIE of VM'rs at there best and at there not so best. ;>)

Sir Bill, Earl of Tabasco

VM System Programmer
Office of Information Technology
State of New Jersey
(609) 984-4065

President MVMUA

Rich Smrcina
VM Assist, Inc.
Phone: 414-491-6001
Ans Service:  360-715-2467
rich.smrcina at vmassist.com

Catch the WAVV!  http://www.wavv.org
WAVV 2008 - Chattanooga - April 18-22, 2008

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