When you issue VMFSETUP ppfname compname, you can see what it accesses as
build or testbuild disks.  These minidisks are what you need to copy from
the test system to production.

I do have a SERVICED EXEC that will FILELIST all files flagged by VMSES as
being changed since a certain date (default: today), you pass it a filemode
to check one minidisk, or nothing inwhich case it scans all accessed
minidisks.  Besides this tool, I can use my COMPMDSK macro to compare the
contents of two mindisks (COMPMDSK is part of my COMPARE package on VM's
download lib)

2007/8/22, Anne D. Crabtree <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Thank you to those who responded..
> My experiences with maintenance have not been good.  Even though I had put
> maintenance on second level VM 5.1, I wasn't sure how to get all
> components updated on first level.  Gave up on that and have since installed
> VM 5.3 second level.  Hopefully, will be bringing v5.3 up first level soon
> but will probably not be doing maintenance for a while.  I hope that it will
> be more successful now that I am armed with greater knowledge.
> So, again, thanks!

Kris Buelens,
IBM Belgium, VM customer support

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