I don't understand the use of the words 
"insert into the library". I never wanted to make
my installation tapes part of the *library*, I just 
wanted to mount the tape on a drive, and COPY 
it to a tape that IS part of my library.

For that I used the "stand alone device" function
of the 3494. So, do I understand correctly that 
this other library system will ONLY allow one to 
mount a library volume, never an outside tape????

> It may also be known as a foreign tape or alien tape mounting option. 
> If not, that's a big oversight.  Tapes come from (and go to) the outside 
> all the time in some shops.
> > we knew this option on the 3494. Before we had also this library. You 
> > can insert an unlabeled cartridge into the 3584 library but the 9353 
> > library manager will reject it. It has no longer the options you 
> > mentioned from the 3494.
> > 
> > kind regards
> > Franz Josef Pohlen
> > 
> > 
> > Mark Pace schrieb:
> >> I don't know about those 2 devices, but, the 3494 has 2 different 
> >> methods for that.  Your devices may have something similar.
> >> Insert unlabeled tape.
> >> Standalone drive mounting from the input station.
> >>
> >> -- 
> >> Mark Pace
> >> Mainline Information Systems 
> > 
> -- 
> Rich Smrcina
> VM Assist, Inc.
> Phone: 414-491-6001
> Ans Service:  360-715-2467
> rich.smrcina at vmassist.com
> http://www.linkedin.com/in/richsmrcina
> Catch the WAVV!  http://www.wavv.org
> WAVV 2008 - Chattanooga - April 18-22, 2008

Shimon Lebowitz                mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
VM System Programmer           .
Israel Police National HQ.     
Jerusalem, Israel              phone: +972 2 542-9877  fax: 542-9308

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