Your last point.. Wouldn't it be so cool if VSE (zOS too) understood SFS..
Especially now that VSAM is no longer available for z/VM.

-----Original Message-----
From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Behalf Of David Boyes
Sent: Thursday, September 06, 2007 8:26 PM
Subject: Re: Size of Mdisk

> This application now has 2 3390-9s.
> The SFS sounds like a reasonable option.

Some tips about SFS:

1) Be sure to do the math for the size of the control disks and catalog
disks before you start seriously loading stuff into SFS and
overallocate, overallocate, overallocate; better too big than too small.
It's not trivial to change them later.

2) Give SFS fullpack minidisks for data storage when/if you can. Again,
it's not trivial to reorganize a filepool once you create it, and
consolidating SFS pool minidisks usually involves a dump and reload
which is disruptive (and a genuine PITA if you don't have a SFS-enabled
backup tool for CMS data). 

3) You may be tempted to use the VMXXX: filepools that come with VM;
DON'T. Those pools can't be shared between VM systems, the SFS servers
are hardcoded not to permit it. Build a separate filepool for your user

4) The SFS security model is genuinely *weird*. If you're seriously
going to use SFS, make sure your ESM understands SFS (not all do), and
strongly consider buying Safe Software's SafeSFS. Trying to manage SFS
security with the native SFS tools will drive you bonkers faster than
sharing an office with your CEO and all your bosses at once. 

5) Get a commercial backup tool that really understands SFS. The native
SFS backup tools are difficult to use and understand. These days, that's
either VM:Backup or the IBM Backup Manager. VM:Backup is a lot easier to
install and use, but the IBM tools is a lot cheaper. 

6) Be cautious about granting PUBLIC access. There are impacts on the
security management that you may not expect. Ditto ADMIN access; read
the docs carefully. 

7) Find a copy of IPGATE (a nifty widget that lets you pass APPC traffic
over IP). It's really useful for 2nd level systems and remote access to
SFS from other VM systems, and if you're using SFS, you should have it
in your toolbox. 

SFS is neat, but it's not easy to administer. It'd be cool if something
other than CMS could use it effectively, but that's probably not ever
going to happen. 

-- db

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