The question I was trying to bring up, as modified by your comments:

"Spool files are addressed as  volume_number,  cyl, track, record."

Is the "volume_number" always the cpowned number, or is it based on
type, in this case "spool type"?

Since we haven't come up with a definitive answer, and I guess you
can't easily test this, then the SPXTAPE is the only way to be sure you
don't loose your spool.

BTW, I take it that you don't normally backup spool or this wouldn't be
a problem at your installation.

Tom Duerbusch
THD Consulting

Law of Cat Motion

  A cat will move in a straight line, unless there is a really good
  reason to change direction.

>>> Jim Bohnsack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 9/19/2007 3:04 PM >>>
I can't really address Robert Nix's question.  I'd be leery of trying
without doing a SPXTAPE dump, however.

The question that Tom raised however referring to changing the order in

the CP owned list of a spool volume cannot be done without dumping and

reloading the spool.  This is because each CP owned volume has a number

in the CP owned list and if the "n'th" volume, which happens to contain

SPOOL space all of a sudden becomes "n'th+1" volume, you've just lost 
what "was" on the volume.

Spool files are addressed as  volume_number,  cyl, track, record.


Tom Duerbusch wrote:
> The thing I would be concerned about, is changing the order of the
> CPOWNED volumes.
> In this case, you are not.
> But, is there some requirement of keeping the spool volumes in the
> order?
> In other words, if PACK03 will now contain spool files, what would
> happen if the cpowned list shows:
> PACK01, PACK02, PACK03, PACK04, PACK05.
> But your spool files were on:
> PACK02, PACK04, PACK05.
> Would inserting the spool volume happen at the end of the spool list?

> In middle of the spool list? Or who cares?
> And which would end up cold starting the spool areas?
> I think you have a right to be concerned.  I would offload my spool
> before doing such a thing.  But I have good access to tape.
> Tom Duerbusch
> THD Consulting
> Law of Cat Motion
>   A cat will move in a straight line, unless there is a really good
>   reason to change direction.
>>>> RPN01 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 9/19/2007 1:29 PM >>>
> I think I asked this once, but didn¹t get an answer....
> The 5.3 install allowed me to format page and spool as 3390 mod 9
> devices
> (10017 cylinders). But in fact, I was using 3390 mod 27 disks (32760
> cylinders). If I go into the devices with ICKDSF and change the
> remaining
> cylinders to PAGE and SPOL, I¹m fairly sure nothing bad will happen
> the
> page volume, but will the spool volume remain intact? Or will I be
> cold-starting and rebuilding my SDF files?
> Do I need to back everything up (requiring tape, which is scarce
> or
> can I get away with just doing it?

Jim Bohnsack
Cornell University
(607) 255-1760

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