On Tue, 9 Oct 2007 15:36:48 -0500, Brian Nielsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Maybe I'm just tired of having to make directory edits to remove default
>passwords for the last 25 years (in releases going all the way back to 

>VM/370) and who knows how far into the future.  I'm a big fan of fix it 

>once for everybody instead of everybody fix it once, and twice, and 
>thrice, and...
>Brian Nielsen

<dead horse mode>

Oh, and while we're at it (he said while doing a z/VM 5.3 install), let's
not forget all the default MDISK passwords that need to be changed too.

Ship all MDISKs with no passwords and use LNKNOPAS as needed during the 

install process and/or a supplied EXEC to change them all to customer 
supplied values.  (Yes, I have my own EXEC, but everybody shouldn't have 

to invent the wheel.)

</dead horse mode>

Brian Nielsen

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