>VSMSERVE is the RPC version of the SMAPI server and is still valid for
>use on z/VM 5.3, for example with VM:Secure 2.8 (or DIRMAINT).
>VSMREQIN, VSMREQIU, etc. are part of the new SMAPI server implementation
>... the socket server.  However, I wouldn't go there just yet ...

(SMAPI = Systems Management APIs)...

It is correct that the VSMREQIN, VSMREQIU, and VSMWORKn virtual machines
are new in z/VM 5.3, as part of the new sockets-based SMAPI server.
The SMAPI server requires a directory manager, and DirMaint has been
enhanced to work with the new server. From IBM's perspective,
there is no reason to not "go there just yet".

VSMSERVE is the RPC-based SMAPI server and is still available on
z/VM 5.3, with the same SMAPI function that was provided in z/VM 5.2.
All new SMAPI function in 5.3 is available only on the new (sockets)
server, as will any enhancements provided in the future.

The z/VM 5.3 announcement includes the following Statement of Direction:
"IBM intends to withdraw support for the RPC/CSL interface from the
Systems Management API server in a future z/VM release."

John Franciscovich
z/VM Development

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