All true, and I agree. Marcy didn't ask about specific products, and
I did not mean to imply anything about exploiter products and/or
releases; my intent was to clarify things relative to the SMAPI server
virtual machines and z/VM releases.

John Franciscovich
z/VM Development

>Well, I guess it depends on what Marcy is intending to do with SMAPI. I
>made the assumption that she was asking the question relative to IBM
>Director ... but I could obviously be wrong about that?
>At this point in time, I don't believe there is a GA IBM Director that
>supports the SMAPI socket based server. =20
>>One reason might be that your provisioning product supports the RPC
>>server but does not (yet?) support the SMAPI Socket server.
>>One product in this situation is IBM Director (from IBM).

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