Actually John is correct and I remember it happening on z/VM 4 systems too, now that I recollect. This is a good reason to back up NSS's before doing any service. I know we have had to reload theses segments from backup many times. DOSBAM, CMSDOS and CMSBAM


Romanowski, John (OFT) wrote:
welcome to the "can't build CMSBAM" club, been happening for at least 2 years, seems to have stumped IBM support since they recommend even now I continue to use this workaround.
Quick,  easy workaround is based on knowledge  CMSBAM hasn't changed and 
doesn't really need to be rebuilt, so lie to VMSES as follows:

on Vm5.3 MAINT 51D edit VM SRVBLDS, locate line that begins like

and edit it to look like :STAT,BUILT.yy/mm/dd.hh:mm:ss.blurb

If you used SERVICE command then on MAINT 191 there's a recent SERVICE RESTART? 
or something file with 1 or more records.
If only 1 record that refers to CMSBAM then delete the file, else delete that 

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From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
Harland, Lawrence
Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2007 3:25 PM
Subject: Trying to build CMSBAM segment

We are installing zVM 5.3 and need to recreate the CMSDOS and CMSBAM segments on the current spool. I issued the following (results listed below) from the Service Guide and received this error for CMSBAM: "DMSDCS343E Storage in range 00B0D000-00B37FFF for CMSBAM in use." I displayed storage for this range and it showed nothing in that area of storage. We keep the same spool packs between releases and rename the segments. We are using the default names for 5.3 so I thought this would be easy. I'm trying this from the MAINT id on a second level 5.3 system. Any help on what I might try or what I might be doing wrong would be appreciated. Larry Harland Univ. of Connecticut ----------------------------------------- ipl 190 clear parm nosprof instseg no z/VM V5.3.0 2007-10-18 14:00 acc (noprof Ready; T=0.01/0.01 09:57:07 acc 5e5 b Ready; T=0.01/0.01 09:57:17 ac 51d d Ready; T=0.01/0.01 09:57:20 vmfppf segbld esasegs VMFPPF2760I VMFPPF processing started for SEGBLD ESASEGS VMFOVE2760I VMFOVER processing started VMFOVE1954I Locating ESASEGS tag in file SEGBLD $PPF on disk D2 VMFOVE2760I VMFOVER processing completed successfully VMFPPF2760I VMFPPF processing completed successfully for SEGBLD ESASEGS VMFPPF2760I VMFPPF processing completed successfully Ready; T=0.36/0.40 09:58:05 vmfbld ppf segbld esasegs (status VMFBLD2760I VMFBLD processing started VMFBLD1851I Reading build lists VMFBLD2182I Identifying new build requirements VMFBLD2182I No new build requirements identified VMFBLD2180I There are 3 build requirements remaining VMFBLD2760I VMFBLD processing completed successfully Ready; T=1.63/1.71 09:58:54 vmfview build Ready; T=0.06/0.06 10:01:55 vmfbld list segbld esasegs dosbam blddata (all VMFBLD2767I Reading DOSBAM BLDDATA * for list of objects to process VMFBLD2760I VMFBLD processing started VMFBLD1851I Reading build lists VMFBLD2182I Identifying new build requirements VMFBLD2182I New build requirements identified VMFBLD1851I (1 of 1) VMFBDSEG processing SEGBLIST EXC00000 D, target is BUILD 51D (D) VMFBDS2115I Validating segment CMSDOS VMFBDS2115I Validating segment CMSBAM VMFBDS2002I A DEFSEG command will be issued for 2 segment(s). VMFBDS2219I Processing object CMSDOS.SEGMENT HCPNSS440I Saved segment CMSDOS was successfully saved in fileid 0208. RDR FILE 0018 SENT FROM MAINT53 PRT WAS 0018 RECS 0444 CPY 001 A NOHOLD NOKEEP DMSWGN715I DOSGEN COMPLETE VMFBDS2219I Processing object CMSBAM.SEGMENT DMSDCS1083E Saved segment $$DMY$$ does not exist DMSSET1101I 100K DOS partition defined at hexadecimal location 020000 DMSSGN363R ENTER LOCATION WHERE CMSBAM WILL BE LOADED AND SAVED: DMSSGN366R ENTER NAME OF SYSTEM TO BE SAVED: DMSDCS343E Storage in range 00B0D000-00B37FFF for CMSBAM in use. DMSSGN239E Cannot build segment. ReIPL CMS, ACCESS (NOPROF, and rebuild segment. VMFBDS1965E The command, $BAMGEN$ B0D000 CMSBAM, failed with return code 41 VMFBLD1851E (1 of 1) VMFBDSEG completed with return code 100. Some objects were not built VMFBLD2180I There are 3 build requirements remaining VMFBLD2760I VMFBLD processing completed unsuccessfully Ready(00008); T=4.91/5.40 10:02:42 d t00B0D000-00B37FFF R00B0D000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 F4 *................* R00B0D010 to 00B0FFFF suppressed line(s) same as above .... R00B10000 to 00B1FFFF suppressed line(s) same as above .... R00B20000 to 00B2FFFF suppressed line(s) same as above .... R00B30000 to 00B37FFF suppressed line(s) same as above .... Ready; T=0.01/0.04 10:03:03

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