> A)  There would be some learning curve involved in implementing it but
> you would only have to learn the basics of it once.
> B) There "should" be no additional charge.  Not having to maintain
> separate authorization paradigms in each product just about has be
> expensive for the vendor.  Certainly there would be an initial startup
> cost, but that should be able to be amortized in a short time and then
> it's all gravy :-)

This was where I was going a few months ago with the idea of integrating
RACF into the base VM. Even given the general awfulness of RACF, at that
point IBM would have a basic level of function to depend on, and you
could always turn it off and/or replace it since there are fairly clean
interface divisions. The other security/authorization vendors could
easily implement a RACF compatibility layer, if they haven't done so
already (assuming they actually start marketing their VM products

In any case, yes, it's long past time to get a consistent and common
security and authorization paradigm going on VM. A REXX-callable CSL
routine to ask would be goodness too. 

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