The SSLSERV service machine provides SSL wrapping to inbound transactions on selected ports. I have used it for TN3270, FTP and POP and HTTP. It does not support outbound transactions. I doubt there is any OpenSSL code in the IBM provided code. Others have said that porting OpenSSH to z/VM would be very difficult because of the functions used to 'fork' into threads or daughter tasks (this is where my knowledge of c/unix programming stops). That does not mean that programs could not be written to perform outbound commandline tasks like "ssh [EMAIL PROTECTED] -C 'remote command'" or "scp my.file host:/dir/subdir/your.file".

A non-OpenSSH example is PuTTY. This is a collection of programs for the Windows environment. There is a program that does the terminal traffic (like the TN3270 client in CMS). A PSCP program that does the SCP sub-protocol. A PSFTP command to do the SSH secure ftp-like file transfers. And a PLINK command to do remote commands via SSH protocol. But I don't think any of it is "OpenSSH". I don't know if PuTTY supports a daemon function to handle inbound transactions.

But I haven't heard anyone really trying to get CMS to talk to remote SSH servers.

/Tom Kern

Jorge Souto wrote:
We're currently doing rexec from z/OS to z/VM, but we're wondering if is it possible to use a secure alternative, like openssh. I've read something about the z/VM openssl server, but it doesn't provide ssh. Any experiences? Thanks

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