On Thu, 13 Dec 2007, Alan Altmark wrote:
> The ssh and scp client-side commands have generated more interest than an
> ssh server.  With an ssh client you do all sorts of automated management
> things, including allocating storage in the disk controllers!

The client gives a lot of mileage.
Also, the OE support which is already in z/VM
goes a long way toward making it happen.  (The SSH executable
from USS actually does run on OpenVM.  It croaks when you try
to generate entropy for anything other than the usage message.)

> Thinking about implementing a server, OTOH, gives me a migraine and heart
> palpitations.  Among other things, it introduces a significant challenge
> because of the expectation (reasonable or not) that it would allow
> fullscreen interaction.  And I'm not convinced the benefit would be worth
> the expense.

We also (as a community) very much SSH access  >into<  z/VM.

I know of one site that uses Linux to proxy their SSH traffic.
What happens is that you (appear to) SSH into VM and the port 22
traffic is magically handed over to port 22 (and 'sshd') on Linux.
You wind up in BASH.  Once in Linux, you get


to drive the respective environments.
They connect from the Linux virtual machine where SSH runs
back to an "agent" on your very own CMS virtual machine,
so the commands run with your credentials and in your environment.

Obviously, fullscreen programs don't work in this context.
But some fullscreen programs can be re-done to get a similar effect
using Linux-side resources.  (eg: 'peek' would snag the RDR file
and throw it into a Linux editor)

*** DETAILS ***

'cms' issues a CMS command and returns the output to your Linux session.
CMS programs which require input are not recommended here.
CMS programs which drive fullscreen (eg: XEDIT) don't work here.

'hcp' issues CP commands.  These are safer because you are
much less likely to get into an input mode on your v-machine.
'hcp' captures the CP output (so it is more than just shorthand for
'cms cp' which would drop the CP output on the v-machine console).

'pipe' is the baby!  You get input from and output to the Linux side
while driving any arbitrary CMS Pipeline.  A simplistic example is

        pipe cms

which then reads CMS commands from "stdin"
until EOF (usually Ctrl-D) and writes output to "stdout".

I find this utility really useful.

-- R;   <><

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