On Fri, 14 Dec 2007 07:28:21 -0500, Phil Smith III <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
software.com> wrote:

>And bemoaning, daily, the lack of similar functionality in Those Other 

Operating Systems (no, Windows Explorer is NOT equivalent!)...


As has been mentioned here before, KEDIT & KEX are a wonderful versio
ns of 
XEDIT & REXX.  What may not have been mentioned is that it also is an
admirable stand-in for FILELIST/FLIST.  It displays the list of files and
directories right in an editable file (called dir.dir).  There are a 
couple built-in features for working with files/directories in the list 

(such as KEDIT a file, navigating through the directory structure, sortin
by various attributes), and I've added a couple of my own (such as ERASE 
file, RENAME a file, REFRESH the list, make the displayed directory the 

current directory).  It supports long filenames and allows you to change 

the columns set aside for the names.  With the ability to write KEX macro
you can also do things to lists of files.  It's also easy to make it 
invoke your macros with key sequences or from on screen buttons.


Brian Nielsen

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