On Saturday, 12/15/2007 at 10:25 EST, Phil Smith III 

> Do you know anyone in VM development?

Yes, though they won't admit it.

> >I have been ready for years to stop reformatting data to accomodate 80
> >columns.  Back when we used Real 3270s, that was an issue.  No longer. 
> >is time to take a bold step forward into the 1990s.
> Nice idea, but unrealistic, since 24x80 is the alternate (should have 
> "alternative") size by default.  I've spent decades designing screens 
> that I have to fit in 24x80; would that I could do otherwise.  But I've 
been to 
> far too many customer sites where they have no idea how to configure 
> emulator and/or they're going through some VTAM that won't accommodate a 
> size...

I didn't mean to suggest that people shouldn't be free to limit themselves 
to a measly 24x80 or live with the restrictions imposed by some hidebound 
VTAM sysprogs, but that the programs should advantage themselves of the 
any additional real estate the Wise user has configured.

Hmmm.... I wonder if the 3270 CREATE PARTITION outbound structured field 
will override the emulator configuration.... hmmm..... 

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott

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