On Jan 4, 2008 1:32 PM, David Boyes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Did you recently add some page space to the system, or possibly
> overlapped some of your paging or spool space with a minidisk? This
> message can be caused by forgetting to format the page space with
> ICKDSF, or if you've accidentally overlaid part of your paging or spool
> space with a minidisk, CP will complain about that (CMS or Linux
> formatted space makes CP sad).

I seem to recall that CP records a slot as in-use even when it failed
to write out the page. So the fact that so many slots locks are
already in-use on the device probably does not imply there were any
usable pages there...
In the distant past one never had to add page packs because the load
of VM was getting less and the machine were getting bigger. All we had
to do was add user disks for this decreasing workload ;-)  (hint: no,
the work was not getting less, the machines were getting faster). So
VM storage administrators (or often z/OS storage folks with a cheat
sheet) learned that for VM it was enough to format allocate cylinder 0
and go for it (because DIRMAINT and otherwise CMS) would format the
mini disks anyway. But not for CP owned volumes, as pointed out by

I believe DIRMAINT already blocks CP areas from allocation these days,
even when you don't do $PAGE$ and $SPOL$ userids. But for those shops
without, wibni CP would prevent lesser gods from completing a LINK to
a device that lives on a CP area?  (except for parm disks, I guess)


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