On: Wed, Jan 23, 2008 at 09:40:47AM -0800,Schuh, Richard Wrote:

} I take it that you do not have access to VSSI's VTAPE product. It has a
} TAPSENSE command that does a SENSE and formats the output into a
} readable display.

Which is exactly what RXTAPINFO plus the rexx wrapper (also called
TAPINFO) does.  I may have given them the code (via a workshop or
VMSHARE item).  Here is a bit from the assembler header:

*        Acknowledgements:
*        In writing this routine, I have shamelessly lifted
*        styles, techniques, and pieces of code from
*        TAPSENSE by Henry Nussbacher (WIS),
*        and RDTAPE by Bruce Sather, (ADI).
*        Thanks guys.
*        Modification history
*        Original, 12/1986,  Xerox Computer services.
*        Mod,  3/1994,  ETi
*              Dual path so that the tape i/o will use DIAG A8
*              when available,  or DIAG 20 if not

Or given the similarity of names, perhaps they started with Henry's code.

Rich Greenberg  N Ft Myers, FL, USA richgr atsign panix.com  + 1 239 543 1353
Eastern time.  N6LRT  I speak for myself & my dogs only.    VM'er since CP-67
Canines:Val, Red, Shasta & Casey (RIP), Red & Zero, Siberians  Owner:Chinook-L
Retired at the beach                                     Asst Owner:Sibernet-L

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