I have to agree with Ed. Some human had to write the code does it really
matter who paid his salary?
It also depends on what you are backing up.
If your z/VM is used almost entirely to host other operating systems and
very little ever happens in CMS one solution may be proper, but on the other
hand if you have millions of lines of source code (or production files) in
CMS you may want to consider a more sophisticated approach.

-----Original Message-----
From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Behalf Of Ed Zell
Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2008 1:06 PM
Subject: Re: Backup CMS files

> Relying on home-grown, unsupported tools is probably not
> something anyone wants to do when considering a long-term
> career.  :-)

Oh I wouldn't go quite that far.  We have been running our
home grown CMS backup system for about 19 years now.  It isn't
too complicated, just a series of LINK, ACCESS, & VMFPLC2 DUMP
commands.  And it is very reliable too.  We keep our yearly
generations for 10 years and I can still easily recover a single
file from any minidisk on those tapes.  And only 143 lines in 
the EXEC, with 20 or so of them being comments!!

I do agree that given the proper dollars in the budget, a
purchased, supported package would be a much better choice.
But back in the VM/SP 6 days, a CMS backup solution was very
expensive for a little bitty 8 MIP, 4381 shop.  So I did what
I had to do, write some code and save some money.  It isn't
perfect, but as I said before, the price was right.

Ed Zell
Illinois Mutual Life
(309) 674-8255 x-107

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