> Thanks, likewise our linux guests and VM itself is down.
> I was more curious around the cp allocations for page, spool tdisk
> they preserved.

Page is volatile by definition, so backing it up is kinda pointless.
Ditto tdisk. Spool, you need to do with SPXTAPE if you expect it to be
usable for anything other than full-pack restores. If you're taking the
whole mess completely down during a backup, then yeah, you'll get good
disk image data, but that seems like swatting a fly with an atom bomb.
Certainly wouldn't qualify for non-disruptive operation. 

Spool is a moving target; at best you might get lucky but my money is
that you'll probably need to do a force start and hope that nothing
weird happened. That's not a guarantee I'd want to back, though. You
certainly won't get a clean warm start unless the VM system is down when
you do the dumps. 

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