That is why I place a special xedit macro on the 'y' disk that sets things like I am used to. When I go to someone else's session, I always issue my macro before I do anything major in xedit.

Tony Thigpen

-----Original Message -----
 From: Shimon Lebowitz
 Sent: 02/21/2008 03:01 PM
  Any experienced
  support person who does not do that, or who cannot
  function with the system defaults as delivered by
  IBM, is way too set in his/her ways. It is not yours
  to dictate to the users.

Technically you might be right, but I think any of us
who have worked a certain way for a while (sometimes a great
while) get to the point where some things are basically reflex.
Being forced to actually THINK about each action would a) slow
down our work terribly, b) probably cause us to make mistakes
and cause grief.
Today I was doing some work on a 2nd level bare-bones system,
and I found myself hitting my head every time I tried to
use something I am used to in a tailored system, which was
not available. (Particularly local 'front-end' routines
to assorted functions).


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