On Thu, 13 Mar 2008 12:02:37 -0400, David Boyes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 


>and the advertising level is getting a bit annoying again.

As a bystander, when a question is asked which an available tool can help
address I do not object to it being briefly mentioned.  Whether the tool 

has a cost and is mentioned by the vendor or is freely available and is 

mentioned by the author, such "advertising" is acceptable to me.

Unacceptable would be "software advertising" posts not directly related t
a specific topic under discussion.  One exception is that I would not 
object to initial availability announcements for new tools.  A grey area 

is update announcements for existing tools.  As a direct response to 
someone having a problem with an existing tool it is fine.  We also need 

to tolerate some level of functionality update announcements, but where t
draw the line is fuzzy.

Discussing the relative merits of tools is useful when it covers new 
ground or are short answers to direct questions.  Long answers should 
instead reference previous discussions rather than generating new traffic


Brian Nielsen

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