>>  And ideal on the amount of data were talking here on a typical day?  

i have several vm systems, and we also ftp the data to z/OS for reporting, 
so it is quite a lot of space
that is occupied in z/VM and z/OS to hold all the data. For the 
performance toolkit its good to have
a lot of data being collected in the mondcss so you can monitor your 
system, but for the reporting
on z/OS only little of this data is required. thats why i set up this 
procedureto reduce the
required disk space:

* monwrite is defined with 2 minidisks,, both 500 cylinders

* every 2 hours a stop and start is send to monwrite, which will close the 
current file and switch ofer to the
other disk and start a new file

* the old file is read by a rexx procedure and only a subset of the 
monitoring records are selected from
it building a new file (about 10% of the original size), this reduced file 
is then send to z/OS by ftp for reporting.

--> Less storage needed in VM and less storage needed on z/OS.

Regards, Stefan

Deutsche Börse Systems AG
Chairman of the Supervisory Board/
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats:
Reto Francioni 
Executive Board/Vorstand:
Michael Kuhn (Chief Executive Officer/Vorsitzender),
Yves Baguet (Deputy Chief Executive Officer/
stellvertretender Vorsitzender),
Thomas Eichelmann, Gerhard Leßmann.
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Frankfurt am Main.
Commercial register/Handelsregister:
Local court/Amtsgericht Frankfurt am Main HRB 42413.

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