We still have it here, but I suspect that it is not long lived. Some of my worst memories involve VTAM on VM. I was the VM team leader for the IBM Education support center in Dallas in 1985 and told my manager and my 2nd level that we should get VM/SP R4 for the remote locations we suppported and HPO R4 for the central site 3081's. R4 was the release with "native" VTAM support. VTAM had been supported for a while with VS/1 or DOS/VS hosting VTAM but someone decided that GCS was the way to go. They took a gutted MVS/XA and quickly fitted it into VM. I don't remember that GCS abended all the time, but CP certainly did. VM/SP R4, with and without HPO was an absolute disaster. If we went thru a day without a CP abend, we celebrated. R4 was probably the shortest lived VM release ever. I think it went GA in December of 1985 and was replaced with VM/SP 4.3 in about March. It was a great improvement. During the fall of '85, Barton Robinson practically lived with us being the expert from the East sent to help us. I remember the arguments inside IBM regarding VTAM vs. TCPIP. IBM was going to be pure VTAM. It's too bad that internal IBM was so stuck on SNA and VTAM that there could not have been an earlier combination of the two disciplines.

Schuh, Richard wrote:
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At 23:55 GMT on Monday, March 31, VTAM was removed from our VM system.
May it rest in peace (as it has been doing since 1995). One more cash
cow bites the dust.

The only remnant left will be one of the large, old manuals. It is the
perfect weight to silence the vibrations in the case of the Dell GX620
that sits on my desk. When the GX620 is replaced in about a year, I hope
that even that manual can be put to rest.=20

Richard Schuh=20

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<P><FONT SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Arial">At 23:55 GMT on Monday, March 31, VTAM =
was removed from our VM system. May it rest in peace (as it has been =
doing since 1995). One more cash cow bites the dust.</FONT></P>

<P><FONT SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Arial">The only remnant left will be one of =
the large, old manuals. It is the perfect weight to silence the =
vibrations in the case of the Dell GX620 that sits on my desk. When the =
GX620 is replaced in about a year, I hope that even that manual can be =
put to rest. </FONT></P>

<P><FONT FACE=3D"Arial">Regards,<BR>
Richard Schuh </FONT>


Jim Bohnsack
Cornell University
(607) 255-1760

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