Gee, next it will be the high cost of z/OS that you will be looking at. How much do you save if you move an application from z/OS to z/Linux?

Colin Allinson wrote:

Rob van der Heij <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote :-


Couldn't be 'QUICK' enough for us. We managed to eliminate it from VM by the middle of last year. We went back to using basic mode CTC connections to z/OS until they got themselves up to 1.7 with the ability to use TCPNJE.

The interesting thing was that it was the huge cost of VTAM that was the main motivation for us. Given that the product was functionally stabilised and needed virtually zero support for a number of years we were struggling to see why. Once we looked at VTAM, and eliminated it, this led us to look at a number of other relatively high cost products that we have ways to eliminate, replace or reduce. I am not saying that we would not have looked at these anyway but the high cost of VTAM was the catalyst to start looking.

Colin Allinson

Amadeus Data Processing GmbH

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