> IBM's Service Director PC did log itself into VM via a 'terminal': PC
> had a cable into a 3172? controller and looked like 'terminal' from
> viewpoint.
> hence, SERVICE  - 0362

If I remember that product correctly, an automated process on an
outboard PC logged in and periodically ran a number of commands and
stored the output in the outboard PC for retrieval by remote support
personnel, both IBM and customer. There was a OS/2 GUI widget you could
use to grab a "dashboard"-like display of multiple systems, and get a
quick picture of a whole complex. It had both TSO and CMS options. 

Most of the implementations I remember were to allow IBM remote support
people to get info without actually allowing them to directly log in to
a live system. It also bypassed some limitations in the support
processor remote access code. 

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