No, but there are a few of us VM'rs here!

Christine Brogan - TPF/VM Systems Support
Information Technology Services Americas
Phone:  623-505-5366, Cell: 623-512-5883, IBM tieline 273-4647

             Danny Padill                                              
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                         
   >                                                     To
             Sent by: The IBM          IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU         
             z/VM Operating                                             cc
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                     Subject
             ARK.EDU>                  Re: CAVMEN Meeting on Thursday, 
                                       April 17, 2008                  
             04/10/2008 11:06                                          
             Please respond to                                         
               The IBM z/VM                                            
             Operating System                                          
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                         

Are there any chapters in Phoenix, Arizona ?

Danny Padilla

-----Original Message-----
From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Chicago Area VM (and Linux) Enthusiasts
Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2008 3:51 AM
Subject: CAVMEN Meeting on Thursday, April 17, 2008

The second quarter meeting of the Chicago Area VM (and Linux)
Enthusiasts will be held on Thursday, April 17, 2008.

There is yet another late change to the agenda.  We are going to once
again start doing a brief "Linux on z Update" session after
lunch.  You may recall that we did this several years ago, and it was
well received.

The Final Final Final Agenda is included below.


Meeting Location:


This quarter's meeting will be held at the Hewitt Associates 'West
Campus' in Lincolnshire, located at 4 Overlook Point, Building B, 2nd
floor, Room M3.

Do NOT park on the South side (visitor entrance). Instead: park and
enter on the East side of the 4 Overlook Point building. Check in
with the security guard when entering.

If you have not attended a meeting at this location before, or you
are not familiar with the area,
<>Click here for
additional information on directions, maps, lodging and dining.



We would like to request a count of expected attendees by the Monday
before the meeting, so that we may plan appropriately for arranging
the facilities, and for refreshments and lunch, should one of the
vendors wish to provide them. If you are planning to attend, PLEASE
send an E-Mail by that date to
<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>[EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject line of
"Meeting Attendance".

This is meant to be a facilities planning aid and should not be
interpreted as a registration requirement. If you suddenly become
available at the last minute, please feel free to attend even if you
have not responded.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation in this matter.


Final Meeting Agenda:

9:00 AM         The IBM System z10 Hardware Innovation Overview

This presentation will provide an overview of IBM's exciting new
System z10 Server. It will include detailed information on the new
processor, the enhanced memory and the I/O capabilities, and all the
new features and functions associated with the new z10 server
including the new 'just in time' capacity provisioning capabilities.

The speaker will be Robert Neidig of the IBM Corporation.

10:30 AM        Coffee Break

11:00 AM        TCP/IP for z/VM Update

z/VM V5.3 includes TCP/IP Function Level 530, a new level of the
TCP/IP Feature that delivers significant new functions. This session
gives an overview of these enhancements, as well as describing the VM
TCP/IP product and the changes to it that were introduced in Function
Level 520 with z/VM V5.2.

The speaker will be Tracy Adams of the IBM Corporation.

12:30 PM        Lunch Break

1:30 PM         Administration and Vendor Announcements

1:45 PM         Linux on z Update

The speaker will present a brief update of recent developments in the
Linux under z/VM area.

The speaker will be Khaylen Kingsley of the IBM Corporation.

2:00 PM         Link Aggregation with the z/VM Virtual Switch

Link Aggregation is a new feature of z/VM V5.3. Are you already using
a z/VM Virtual Switch to manage your network connections? Do you want
to find out how to get more out of z/VM Virtual Switch technology?

Come to this session to learn how to make your backup OSA cards work
for you by increasing your throughput and creating near seamless
failover for your virtual network.

The speaker will be Tracy Adams of the IBM Corporation.

3:15 PM         Coffee Break and Prize Drawing

3:30 PM         OpenKicks: The CICS(R) API on Linux

This is the first peek at the soon to be released CICS(R) emulation
environment for Linux(R), UNIX(R), and Windows(R). Built to be
friendly to mainframe programmers and UNIX(R) system administrators,
OpenKicks takes a fresh look at emulating CICS(R) on UNIX(R). Four
concepts set OpenKicks apart from other emulation environments:
    * Available source code to allow on-site customization/extension.
    * Built on a database for trusted data integrity.
    * Good third party vendor support to avoid compiler and database
    * Backward compatible to allow painless porting back to the mainframe.
OpenKicks is a product of Replatform Technologies, LLC and not
affiliated with IBM(R).

IMPORTANT NOTE: This presentation has several demos which do not
convert well to slides. If you are unable to attend the presentation,
please contact me to arrange another time.

The speaker will be Michael Potter of Replatform Technologies.

4:45 PM         Free-for-All

Members will attempt to answer any reasonable VM or hardware related
questions. If you are having a problem and want to find out if others
are experiencing it, or you are installing new hardware or software
and want to find out what types of problems others have experienced,
here is the place to find out.

Members are encouraged to bring ideas for future presentations and
speakers to this meeting.


Please check the WEB site for Map and Directions:

In addition, you will also find extensive information available on
dining and lodging in the Hewitt Associates area.

Additional information about the CAVMEN group, and other VM related
items of interest are available on our web site.

There is no charge for admission to meetings.

Meeting attendance is open to anyone, and advance registration is not

I look forward to seeing all of you at the meeting


Mark M. Suchecki
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
CAVMEN Coordinator

Voice:  (847) 518-0058
FAX:    (847) 518-0083
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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