> Unless anything has changed, SSLSERV is a non-starter if you have more
> than 126 concurrent sessions. Aside from that, it is very stable with
> the latest patches (our VM is 520).

We plan to post a refresh of the SSL Enabler 2 system that will contain
these fixes as soon as time permits. 

> An alternative is to get your VM
> behind a network firewall, then get an SSL device like Illustro's to
> protect all your telnet sessions. Port 23 telnet on VM stays open
> the firewall and only the SSL device can get to it. No second stack is
> needed and the SSL device handles all the encryption overhead.

We have developed an inexpensive alternative to both the Illustro gadget
and SSLSERV that provide the firewall and SSL wrappers for most of the
common services. Contact me offlist if you'd like to know more. 

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