On Thu, 1 May 2008 17:00:57 -0400, David Boyes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 


>> >It's also your best route to move files, print and monitoring data
>> >to other IBM OSes like z/OS (and non-IBM systems with a little help
>> >us) without human intervention.
>> I recently setup an automated process to FTP to z/OS data extracted
>> DISKACNT's ACCOUNT files every day.  No RSCS or human intervention
>> required.
>> Brian Nielsen
>You *can* do FTP to solve the problem. It's just a lot more work
>handling all the possible problems that FTP can have -- which are legion

>-- in a reliable programmatic way.  Without being critical, does your
>process handle disk full on the other end? Changed password on the
>remote userid (note that RSCS doesn't need a live user login on the
>remote system at all, FTP does if you're not using anon FTP)? Allocation

>failures on z/OS? FTP doesn't give you an easy way to deal with that,
>and if the FTP fails, you have to worry about retrying later, etc. If
>you handled all those problems, then you're way ahead of the game, but
>it's a lot of work, as you already know. 

No offense taken.  The data transfered is stored into members of a pre-
allocated PDSE.  Naming conventions for the member names eventually 
overwrite old members so it's self-cleaning and PDSE's do not required 

periodic compressing like normal PDS's do.  The FTP userid is dedicated t
this internal process.  Changing its password would require human 
intervention in the first place, but would be a problem if it was done 

without planning and communication.

Resending of data is accomplished by the z/OS side putting a REQUEST 
member in the PDSE with the dates of the data that need to be resent.  Th
sending side always tried to download this member and includes any 
requested data along with any data it hasn't already tried to send.

This process also works identically from non-VM platforms (ie. sending 

VMWARE accounting data to z/OS) for which using RSCS is not an option.

>Compare with: SENDFILE FOO ACCT A TO BAR AT ZOS. Fire and forget.
>Immediate feedback (rc ^=0) if you don't have sufficient spool to hold

>the file. No remote login required. Automatic retry until the file is
>sent. No remote disk allocation needed. You also don't have to invent
>ways to detect the file arriving; most job scheduling packages already
>know how to trigger on NJE file arrival out of the box. 
>I'm not saying NJE is the only way to transfer files. It's sure easier
>to do than the alternatives, especially now that you can do it to
>non-IBM systems.

Brian Nielsen

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