I'm not sure what the actual intent is, but I received an email from my P/390 
client, wanting to explore the possibilities of upgrading to the MP3000 (about 
$3K on the used market).  Right now, I don't know if this would be the disaster 
recovery machine, or a replacement for the existing P/390 (with, perhaps, a 
second box for disaster recovery).  

My gut says that this will come down to dollars as they are happy with the 
current box (running VM/ESA 2.4).

It is a straight VM box.  However I've made some "modifications" to it.

I have a 256GB NAS unit up under the OS/2 side with a couple dozen 3390-3 
drives defined.  The rest of the space is used to store emulated 3420 tape 
drives.  When they had real 3410 drives, we converted about 12,000 volumes to 
emulated drives on OS/2.  The NAS is backed up weekly via a SDLT drive.

I need to keep the same or similar setup on the new box.

Printing is via IP and we TN3270 in.

The only program products installed are Sort, VM/Archive, VM/Tape and 
I wrote a tape robotics system using PROP and REXX to respond to tape mounts 
from the products, use the OS/2 MOUNT command to mount the emulated tape, and 
pass the drive to the user.  Been working fine for about 5 years so far.  And, 
of course, it makes me a little nervous about going to a different box.

When I had a MP3000, I believe the I/O rate on it's emulated drives was similar 
to the P/390, that is about 50 I/Os per second.  I should be able to mount a 
NAS on the MP/3000s' OS/2 side and keep everything the same.  I think we would 
have to have, at least one set of Internal drives, in order to have the disk 
space that the P/390 had.

So, for those that have upgraded from the P/390, do you have any strong beliefs 
or "gotchas" when you did your upgrade?  


Tom Duerbusch
THD Consulting 

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