Ladies and Gentlemen:

If you simply *must* continue to discuss this thread, *please* take the discussion off-line from the list.

Our generous host, the University of Arkansas, donates the services and infrastructure which support this forum with the understanding that the discussion is primarily of a technical nature. We all realize that almost any conversation in a group such as ours will, from time to time, go careening off on less technical but much more colorful tangents. Small doses of this are a Good Thing -- they serve as the "spice in the stew" and remind us that the conversations take place in a group of real people with real personalities, instead of a collection of several hundred keyboards all over the globe blandly clattering back and forth at one another.

If I may be forgiven for pursuing the culinary metaphor, our stew is somewhat over-seasoned with this particular spice. Many of us receive a high volume of electronic mail on a daily basis. Overenthusiastic pursuit of "bunny trail" tangents such as this diminishes the value of the forum by generating an increasingly unfavorable signal-to-noise ratio on the list, and is a disservice to both our host and to the members of our community.

To summarize:  "Let it go."

If you can not bear to do so, please make use of "Reply To" (or equivalent) and continue the discussion outside this forum.

Your humble, if rather grumpy moderator,


Daniel P. Martin - IBMVM List Janitor

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