On Thursday, 05/22/2008, John Romanowski wrote:
> FYI, with VM5.3, a 2007 back-level DIRECTXA MODULE on MAINT D-disk
> (51D), is found and used before the serviced DIRECTXA MODULE S2.
> MODULE as part of the shipped contents of MAINT's 51D (D-disk).
> You could be bit by that on MAINT when you're not using a Directory
> management product to update CP user directory.

I have consulted with the Oracle at Delphi.  I was informed that you have 
discovered one of the side effects of the Second Law of Thermodynamics (an 
unbalanced system tends towards Chaos).  Apparently there was some sort of 
matter distortion wave and the DIRECTXA MODULE was duplicated.  Not split 
in half, mind you, but duplicated.

One copy was Evil and went to the 51D.  The other, the Good copy, went to 
the 190.

The Oracle and one of her High Priestesses, as one Voice, instruct me to 
say unto you all: "If thou hast z/VM 5.3, then thou hast both Good and 
Evil.  The Resident Evil is to be destroyed at once.  Leave not a trace or 
crumb from which it may regenerate.  If thou hast an elder version of z/VM 
5.3, then thou art immune and have the protection of the Gods."

Sure.  Right.  This is the problem talking to an Oracle:  they talk funny. 
 Delete DIRECTXA MODULE from the 51D and all will be well.  Unfortunately 
there is nothing we can do via a PTF to automatically delete the offending 
module.  (Sysprogs get upset when we start deleting things *we* don't 
think should be on the system.)  Consequently, no need for a call to the 
Support Center.

We will place a notice in the PSP bucket.

Thanks for bringing it to our attention!

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott

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