Dave Wade wrote:


For most "UNIX" commands (and many other features of UNIX) the man pages are a great reference. However I don't actually find the ones for sh useful when I am trying to write new shell scripts. I have just written a script on Solaris to FTP several files to a remote host and frankly the man pages were absolutely useless for this.

FTP doesn't automate well without some special program, as all you VM guys found out over the years. The question of, "Can a command execute, its output be parsed, its return code examined, and decision be made" this is all very simple. In Mainframe Land you've got special FTP things to hook to Rexx. Unix had those but mostly now has Perl (and, lately, the important language Ruby you musn't miss in the future) with library FTP functions.

Shell programmers learn by reading the hundreds of scripts that already exist on any Unix system. Shell scripts are like zombies in a cheap horror film, they pop up as part of everything.

The *sh* questions come mostly in three categories:

  1. How do variables expand?
  2. How do metacharacters such as* ' " ! | ` ; & * *affect the parsing
     of a command line?
  3. How does flow control work? with the subissue:
        1. How does the Unix command *test* work (linked to the
           single-char command name *[* on most systems!!)

This is all there is that can be handled portably in sh, with the exception that modern ones also offer

   *function {
   # ...

definitions. The rest is knowing Unix commands well and how to pipe them. If you haven't a good familiarity with Unix commands themselves, and with Unix command-line pipes, *sh* itself isn't much use!

Anyway, at least once read the man page for *sh* from beginning to end, _/then/_ go looking for help resources. It's
us Unix weenies who invented the M-A-G-I-C A-C-R-O-N-Y-M :::


Jack J. Woehr            # "Self-delusion is
http://www.well.com/~jax #  half the battle!"
http://www.softwoehr.com #  - Zippy the Pinhead

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