I do like the "monkey boy" concept.  I keep trying to go towards that state.

You have a menu driven system, which implies you are not restoring to bare 
iron.  So what was prestaged?  Do you have a mini VM system on tape (or DVD) to 
be restored?  If this is a Flex or P/390 type system, never mind.  They have 
some other, easier, more interesting options.  

For one site, which doesn't do disaster recovery tests, I'm thinking of a 
TS1120 backup and a script, which will be testing on one of our LPARs, for 
recovery of our systems.

At another site, which does disaster recovery tests, and Sungard has VM, I'm 
looking at scripts for the standalone side, to eliminate the people errors when 
restoring their systems.  BTW, they keep the most recent 2 generations offsite, 
just in case of a media failure.  They are 3480 based, and the standalone 
restores take some 80 tapes.  Uggg!

Tom Duerbusch
THD Consulting

>>> Michael Coffin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 6/17/2008 11:49 AM >>>
Hi Tom,

Yep, I have that all covered.  This is actually a DR process that I
developed about 8 years ago (and have been improving over the years)
that is a complete "soup to nuts" system, automating both the backups
AND the recovery.  The system assumes a "worst case scenario" where
computer center is gone, and all of the people having detailed knowledge
of the system are likewise "gone", it allows someone with virtually no
knowledge about the specifics of the system being recovered and very
minimal mainframe knowledge to fully recover the system.  When we
conduct DR drills we typically recruit a management type that has
minimal computing skills and little specific knowledge about the system
(someone we affectionately refer to as the "monkey boy", with the
understanding that a slightly trained monkey could actually complete
this task) to actually conduct the recovery.  The programming staff
provides no input to the "monkey boy", instead taking notes of anything
in the documentation that they found unclear and/or any technical
problems that may arise.  The entire process is menu-driven and pretty
slick (including a Recovery Monitor that reports what each DDR slave is
doing, what's it's ETA to completion of the current task is, what the
total ETA to full system recovery is, the ability to quiesce and restart
slaves/streams/devices, etc.).

In 2006 there was a massive flood in Washington DC that required
implementation of this DR Plan.  I'm pleased to say it worked without a
hitch, and from the time we got the green light to start spinning tapes
we were back up in running in something like 3 or 4 hours (I think we
had about 20 DDR slaves running simultaneously).  While this process
works extremely well, I now want to remove tapes from the process -
there are a number of reasons why this makes sense:

1.  There is a Federal mandate to encrypt all removable media which this
site is subject to, and we don't presently have TS1120 tape

2.  Tapes can be lost and/or damaged (damage used to happen with
ALARMING frequency!), one bad tape and your entire recovery could be

Ultimately, I'd like to have our production DASD replicate (either in
realtime or via a nightly batch job) to a remote DASD array using PPRC -
but until such time as I get funding to do that (perhaps never!) I need
to eliminate the darned tapes.  :)


-----Original Message-----
From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Tom Duerbusch
Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2008 12:31 PM
Subject: Re: DDR'ing 3390 DASD To Remote Location

The back half of this also needs to be considered.

In case of an actual disaster, the process you are using requires a
running VM system before you can do the restore.  Disaster recovery
sites have VM running.  If you have your own replacement hardware, you
can bring up the VM starter system, but you may still need software,
along with scripts etc, on that site, in order for you to connect to
your backup site, and bring the volumes back.

Just something to consider before getting to far into the backup half of
the project.

Tom Duerbusch
THD Consulting

>>> Michael Coffin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 6/17/2008 10:42 AM >>>
(Cross-posted on VMESA-L and LINUX-390)
Hi Folks,
I want to eliminate use of tapes in my weekly DR process.  Currently we
DDR numerous 3390 spindles to 3590 tape cartridges.
I have set up a Linux server at our DR site with a ton of free disk
space, but the question becomes what is the best method to get images of
our DASD stored on it?
I've modified our procedures to use DDR2CMS to create CMS files
representing the 3390 DASD images, which are then FTP'd to the Linux
server - but the process is VERY inefficient:

1.      DDR2CMS produces RECFM=V files which are unsuitable for FTP
(I've NEVER had any luck successfully FTP'ing RECFM=V files to a non-CMS
environment and getting them back in the correct format later), so I
have to COPYFILE (PACK the output from DDR2CMS.   DDR2CMS takes around
47 minutes/spindle, and the COPYFILE takes around 38 minutes - the FTP
only takes around 17 minutes!  So we are really wasting nearly 90
minutes/spindle just prepping the data to be transmitted.
2.      The output from DDR2CMS for a 3390-3 spindle may actually be
LARGER than a 3390-3 spindle (even using COMPACT), so we need to use
3390-9 spindles as "work space", something I'm not fond of doing (as a
general rule we don't use 3390-9's at this site, but I configured a
string of them just for this purpose).

There is a great tool on the VM download page called PIPEDDR which
basically does what DDR2CMS does using PIPE TRACKREAD - and it can write
the output to a TCPIP stage.  This is exactly what I'm looking for, with
ONE important difference - PIPEDDR only talks to a remote VM/CMS system
running PIPEDDR to receive the output, I need to be able to PIPE the
output to a remote Linux storage server.
Can anyone recommend a nice client that can run on Linux and listen on a
TCPIP port, accept some authorization credentials and host commands
(i.e. MKDIR, CD to dir, etc.) and receive/write to disk a stream of data
similar to what PIPEDDR might write to it's TCPIP stage?  I could then
skip creating the DDR2CMS file and COPYFILE (PACKing it, writing
"indirectly" to the Linux server.  I'd rather not reinvent the wheel if
there's already something out there.  :)
PS:  It would be sweet if there were just a way to mount a remote EXT3
filesystem somehow on CMS, but it looks like the only way to do this is
with NFS, which is a problem because it is considered an "unsafe
protocol".  :(

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