Thanks, Cal. Others have already suggested that. But it is really overkill. My 
entire EXEC consists of the following. And we have tested it thoroughly today, 
and it seems to do exactly what we want. The "+2" is only because files will 
not be coming in very often, but when they do we want to process them quickly. 
The CHECK_OUT_FILE paragraph is only to retrieve the incoming rdr file number, 
file name, and file type for subsequent commands. The FTP2POW program does some 
manipulation and FTPs some files from VM to VSE. 

David Wakser

/*   */
do forever                                                              
   "WAKEUP +2 (RDR IUCVMSG QUIET"  /* Check for files every 2 minutes */
    saverc = rc                                                         
     when saverc = 4 then  /*  we received a RDR file  */               
          call CHECK_OUT_FILE                                           
          if flag = "Z" then  /* If it is a valid file ... */           
              "RECEIVE" filenum "(REP KEEPCC"                           
              "EXEC FTP2POW" fn ft "A"                                  
              "ERASE" fn ft "A"                                         
       end   /*  end of DO for saverc = 4  */                           
     otherwise nop                                                      
  end   /* end of SELECT  */                                            

"EXECIO * CP (STEM" aa. "STRING CP Q RDR * ALL"                          
flag = "X"                       /* set flag for exiting loop         */ 
i = 1                            /* point to first record             */ 
 do while flag = "X"             /* see if there is a file to process */ 
   parse var aa.i w1 filenum w3 w4 w5 w6 disp w8 w9 fn ft w12 .          
   if (w1 = "NO" & filenum = "RDR" & w3 = "FILES" ) | w1 = "" then return
   else if w1 = "ORIGINID" & filenum = "FILE" then  /* if HEADER line */ 
         i = i + 1                              /* get next rec   */     
   else if disp ¬= "NONE" then                  /* if held file   */     
         i = i + 1                              /* get next rec   */     
   else flag = "Z"                                                       
 end     /* end of DO when flag = "X"     */                             

-----Original Message-----
From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Cal 
Sent: Tuesday, July 01, 2008 5:55 PM
Subject: Re: Best method

Hi David
Go to the VM download site and get the vmserve 
package. It uses wakeup and will do just about anything you will ever want your 
service machine to do. I have used this for years and I am very happy with it.

Cal Fisher
My tour in the Navy
The MVMUA website  

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