On Wed, Jul 2, 2008 at 12:03 AM, Wakser, David

>   "WAKEUP +2 (RDR IUCVMSG QUIET"  /* Check for files every 2 minutes */

For what I understand of WAKEUP, this is still overkill. If you just
want to wait for RDR files, you don't need to wakeup each time to
check. When a RDR file arrives you will wake up immediately.
As long as you initialize WAKEUP properly and don't reset it, you
should not even lose RDR file triggers (so WAKEUP will return
immediately when there's another interrupt waiting).

The mix of time and event is for when you *also* need to do things
based on time schedule (eg close spool files every hour or so).

-Rob (and I apologize for distracting the thread earlier)

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