On Wed, Jul 9, 2008 at 7:37 PM, Imler, Steven J <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Actually, generally speaking the CA VM products do not require these
> messages to function.  And, in fact it is standard practice at many
> shops who run VM:Operator to do exactly this ... remove the "noise" of
> ATTACH and DETACH from the operator console.

Trick is that these messages go to different parties (the one who
issued the command, the recipient of the device, and the system
operator). There's a check to prevent duplicates (if you attach to
yourself, or when you are the system operator).
I recall from a previous life that Dynam/T had the option to suppress
the messages (useful, since it does an ATTACH / DETACH to scan the
unit every few minutes). So the Dynam/T server issued the command and
was recipient of the device. To suppress the messages, it would issue
a STORE in its own VMDBK to make CP think it was the system operator.
That meant that CP could skip all but one message, to Dynam/T itself.
Unfortunately, other operator messages during that brief moment
(typically EREP) would also not show on the operator console. But a
backlevel version of Dynam/T stored in the wrong spot of the VMDBK
(nice dump, we've used that for training purposes a few times).
So we decided to just suppress them in PROP. This actually turned out
to be helpful in diagnosing Dynam/T problems because you could see
which units were being scanned.

Rob - "there is no information overload in a system log when you try
to solve a problem"

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