On Thursday, 07/31/2008 at 01:18 EDT, Mike Walter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> And Alan, by NOTIFY could you actually have meant INFORM?  Perhaps you
> were just attempting to NOTIFY me to *look up* INFORM?   ;-)

Yes, I meant INFORM.  NOTIFY is the internal function used to send 
information to the INFORM list.  :-)

> But does processing the "OBEYFILE" command qualify as a one of the
> "serious run-time conditions"?  I ask that carefully, since processing 
> OBEYFILE command can rather seriously affect the run-time environment. 
> is it really an *error*?:
> FILE: TCPIP    MESSAGE  A1  Hewitt Associates PAGE
> 00001
> DTCUTI002E     OBEYFILE issued successfully by TCPMAINT. File INFORM 
> located on TCPMAINT 0191 dated 07/31/08 10:41

No, it is not an error.  It is a potentially serious run-time condition, 
however, as it is the only record that someone has dynamically changed the 
TCP/IP configuration.  If you had TRACE SECURITY you would get even more 

If TCP/IP messages were more, uh, disciplined (yeah.  disciplined.), then 
I might raise an eyebrow at the severity code.  At this point, it might do 
more harm than good to change it.  <yawn>

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott

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