Hello Terry,

Have a look at the CP message HCP1010W and you will find that you do not
have a console. Either the correct console has not been definied in the
SYSTEM CONFIG or it is not available. It happens to me quite often when
I IPL an LPAR in a guest VM and forget that I need to set the console to
my virtual 0009. Most of my systems have also 0009 into the system
config but some don't (sigh). So either include your console in the
system config or specify CONS=xxxx in the SALIPL screen.

BTW. Often a disabled wait will show the CP code. So if you get a 1010
or a 961 (the latter means SYSTEM shutdown complete) then try HELP
HCPxxxE, -W or -I on a different VM to see if that code is explained. Or
take the CP Messages and Codes to look for the number in the CP messages

Regards, Berry.

Martin, Terry R. (CMS/CTR) (CTR) schreef:
> Hi
> I am trying to bring up a new VM LPAR and I am receiving a DISABLED
> Any ideas?
> //Thank You,//
> //Terry Martin//
> //Lockheed Martin - Information Technology//
> //z/OS & z/VM Systems - Performance and Tuning//
> //Cell - 443 632-4191//
> //Work - 410 786-0386//

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