On Thu, 18 Sep 2008 21:59:38 -0400 Martin, Terry R. (CMS/CTR) (CTR) said:
>Are you seeing a fair number of shops running Oracle on Linux on Z and
>if so have the results been favorable? The question comes about
>My management is hearing that when people move servers over to the Z
>under Linux they are mostly moving servers that have very little usage
>already and that databases like Oracle are staying put on the other
>platforms such as Solaris in my case, giving them the impression that
>the z/Linux cannot handle this. I know there are some situations where
>this may be true but I do not believe on a whole this is necessarily
>true. What do you think!

People are moving servers with litter usage because those are the no-brainers.
They move easily and without a lot of work.  You almost have to work at it to
fail with them.

My current boss has taken a very agressive stance with Linux on z.  We almost
have to prove that it won't work, before he lets us try it somewhere else.  In
that environment, we are moving to a new ERP that uses Oracle as its database.
The vendor does not support it on z, but given the current management, we
had to try it first.  It has worked almost flawlessly.  A couple minor tweaks
have been required, but my boss has been extremely happy with the result.
We've ended up paying less in Oracle licenses, the environment is less
complex, and from talking to others with similar size ERPs, we're running
faster.  The biggest problem was misconfiguration from the vendor, but that
would have been a problem in any environment.  Fix that and things work great.
(Now my boss wants us to move the application servers over.)  (I say we, but
Martha, Dave and Ben have done all the heavy lifting, along with the
application programmers)



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