Alan:  My version is:
RXSSL    MODULE   A1 V      39080          4         11 2000-12-08 13:00:28
and it used to work pretty well but I am finding that fewer and fewer
sites that work.  I suspect that it is a root certificate problem.
See the SSL.README that came with the SSL updates for CHARLOTTe.
Try accessing and you'll get a message that the
certificate is bad.  If you decide to continue CHARLOTTe will blow up.
I used to be able to access my bank account but not any more.
/Fran Hensler at Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania USA for 45 years
    mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  +1.724.738.2153
              "Yes, Virginia, there is a Slippery Rock"
On Thu, 16 Oct 2008 13:18:48 -0500 Alan_Ackerman said:
>I'm trying to use Charlotte to go to a secure web page (HTTPS). RXSSL
>abends when I try this.
>Does anyone have a working version of RXSSL MODULE? An up-to-date version
>of Charlotte? A version of WW2GET that works with SSL?
>I find I have 3 versions of RXSSL:
>RXSSL    MODULE   I1 V      31664          4          9 2000-03-22 09:59:55
>RXSSL    MODULE   G1 V      38832          4         11 2000-02-18 11:24:57
>RXSSL    MODULE   F1 V      31664          4          9 2000-02-02 09:28:59
>All 3 fail in the same way:
>DMSITP143T Operation exception occurred at 816F6F8C in system routine
>RXSSL; re-
>DMSITP143T Operation exception occurred at 816F6BA4 in system routine
>RXSSL; re-
>DMSITP143T Operation exception occurred at 816F6F8C in system routine
>RXSSL; re-
>CHARLOTTE claims to be V2R1FL155
>I see that I added 128bit encryption via instructions from James Johnson
>(That's the most recent version above.)
>Alan Ackerman
>Alan (dot) Ackerman (at) Bank of America (dot) com

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