The &notsym; is supposed be a "not" symbol when it gets printed in the
book.  This means that  this line is supposed to be

If rest is not equal to null then call error...

On my keyboard, this is

If rest ^= '' then call error...

You can also use <> for not equal.

I will contact the z/VM Information developers and have this corrected.
Thank you.

Doug Breneman  z/VM Development  Endicott, NY

  From:       "Huegel, Thomas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                     
  To:         IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU                                  
  Date:       10/20/2008 06:43 PM                                      
  Subject:    Some REXX help                                           

I copied this line from the REXX VM/REFERENCE

It is from a sample SOCKETS SERVER exec (page 16.2).
When I try to execute it I get errors.
I have not seen code like this before, I wonder if anyone can explain the
technique to me?

if rest&notsym;='' then call error 'E', 24, 'Invalid parameters specified'

Its the rest&notsym;=''    that I don't understand.


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