But because I share my res volume among the CSE'd systems, I can't install
any of the products in SFS, because I may need to build one or more of the
products on each of the various systems. So everything gets put in
minidisks, and the vmsys: filepool remains fairly empty.

If I could share vmsys: across systems within a CSE environment, then I
could install the products there, and would be able to build things on any
of the systems. It would greatly simplify maintenance within CSE, because
you'd have fewer minidisks to keep track of, and minidisk size becomes less
of an issue as more and more maintenance is applied to the products (not
that I've had to increase a minidisk since going to 5.0...)

The only product I install to vmsys: is RACF; we don't use it.

Why couldn't vmsys: be localized by default, but allow the option of sharing
it among systems, where it makes sense in the customer's environment? Don't
be so headstrong in protecting me from myself; I may have thought of
something you missed.

On a similar but disparate subject: Why do we have to use tape to move SDF
type files from one system to another? I just want to move CMS, GCS and the
various system files from one system within CSE to another... But to do it,
I have to have a tape drive. It's the only use I have for a tape drive now,
and it keeps us from getting rid of otherwise unneeded hardware in a data
center with no space or power to install new systems.

The other problem with this is that we only have a tape drive on one of the
two z/VM LPARs, so to do the transfer at all, I have to bring up the second
system second-level on the first system. Give SPXTAPE another media, or come
up with another tool for moving these files, please! This is one of the
biggest headaches I have to deal with; thank goodness it only occurs when we
want to upgrade z/VM, but should a problem ever occur that needed SDF
quickly rebuilt on the tapeless system, it'd be chaos.

A question comes to mind here... I can easily build CMS and somewhat easily
build GCS. What is, or where are, the procedures for rebuilding all the
other SDF files? There's likely documentation for the various shared
segments, but what about the IMG and NLS files? I haven't gone on a search
yet, but is there somewhere that these procedures are documented?


Tongue in cheek, but these are real issues for us here. Whenever there's
absolutely only one way to do things, everyone suffers.

Robert P. Nix          Mayo Foundation        .~.
RO-OE-5-55             200 First Street SW    /V\
507-284-0844           Rochester, MN 55905   /( )\
-----                                        ^^-^^
"In theory, theory and practice are the same, but
 in practice, theory and practice are different."

On 10/28/08 2:42 PM, "Alan Altmark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Tuesday, 10/28/2008 at 03:28 EDT, RPN01 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> If IBM would allow the vmsys: pool to be shared between systems, we'd be
>> more likely to use it.
> Say more.  The VMSYS filepool was intended to contain information that is
> used ONLY for THIS system (inventory, service, etc.).  When you establish
> a collection with ISFC, each system's VMSYS filepool remains active and
> private to each system.
> Information that you intend to share requires you to set up your own
> filepool and then connect the systems with ISFC (or use IPGATE).
> I do recognize that in a clustered environment like CSE it would be good
> to have a VMSYS-like filepool that handles SESesque system data for all
> members of the cluster and is shared.
> Alan Altmark
> z/VM Development
> IBM Endicott

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