I generally use M, since if I can¹t get write access, I don¹t really need it
at all at the moment.

The whole issue isn¹t that great here, as we have only four actual users
that would ever attempt to get write access to the Linux guest 191 shared
disk, and two of us sit within shouting distance (much to our other
neighbor¹s regret). Integrity for the disk is handled by saying loudly ³You
using the Linux 191 disk?² and waiting for a response.

The point was that the actual Linux guests certainly never need write access
to their own 191 minidisk, and their read-only usage is only for a few
seconds of time, and hopefully very, very seldom. This is a very safe
candidate for read-only sharing among all the guests, freeing you to think
about other things when you¹re creating a new Linux image. You don¹t have to
add allocating and populating a 191 disk to the list of tasks in building a
new image. You can take care of it in a directory profile included in each
new directory entry and have it completely covered. And, you know that all
the guests are always using exactly the same thing, where with the
individual 191 minidisks, you can¹t ever be really sure. Someone might have
changed something in the profile for one of them, and you¹ll be stuck later
trying to figure out why it doesn¹t work quite the same as all the others.
This alone is a good reason for sharing a single 191 image throughout your

Robert P. Nix          Mayo Foundation        .~.
RO-OE-5-55             200 First Street SW    /V\
507-284-0844           Rochester, MN 55905   /( )\
-----                                        ^^-^^
"In theory, theory and practice are the same, but
 in practice, theory and practice are different."

On 10/28/08 2:45 PM, "Scott Rohling" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Well - technically true if MW is used on the LINK instead of MR -- that's such
> a big no no in general I guess I assume people won't do it -- but good point.
> Scott Rohling
>>> >  Until you have two users, access the shared disk in
>>> > R/W mode, to update it.  No protection.  SFS will always protect you.

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