Pray tell.  What was wrong with SFS at that time?
Are you a very heavy SFS shop?  Hundreds of file accesses a minute?

I'm trying to find out, in what environments, SFS reliability is a concern.

In the past, I've had more problems with clobbered minidisk directories then 
I've ever had with SFS.

In the last 8 years, here, I can't recall any SFS outages.  But I have lost the 
CMS saved segment more than once <G>.  

So what kind of SFS shop are you in?


Tom Duerbusch
THD Consulting

>>> Scott Rohling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 10/29/2008 1:23 PM >>>

Anyway - while I have found SFS extremely reliable when it's running - I
have just run into many situations where it was not up or not running
properly and we were stuck -  until the SFS pool was fixed, restored,

Scott Rohling

On Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 11:32 AM, Tom Duerbusch

> I'm surprised by another discussion that seems to say that SFS is not
> reliable or dependable.
> Is that true in your shop?
> How heavy of a use it it?
> Here, I'm the major "human" user.  The other 6 users may or may not use it
> on any given day.
> However, I count 34, CMS type servers, that I have running, that make use
> of SFS as part of their normal functions.  That includes PROP which logs to
> a SFS directory 24X7.  And FAQS/PCS serves system related jobs from SFS
> directories to the VSE machines.
> I have 6 storage pools.  Historically there were of a size that the backup
> would fit on a single 3480 cart (compressed).  Now, that isn't a
> requirement.
> All my VSE machines (14 currently) have their A-disk on SFS.  That
> directory is also where all the "systems" related code is stored (IPL procs,
> CICS stuff, Top Secret security stuff, DB2 stuff, and all vender related
> stuff).  No application related stuff to speak of.  In the 15 years, here,
> I've never had a problem of not being able to bring up VSE due to a SFS
> problem.
> And in the last 5 years, I've never had a problem bringing up Linux images
> due to SFS availability.
> I have had problems of the loss off the CMS saved segment due to a bad VM
> IPL.  This was usually due to a duplicate CP-OWNED pack being brought up
> instead of the original.  Ahhh, for the days of being able to go to the IBM
> 3990 or IBM 3880 and disabling the address of the wrong volume......
> I've had SFS problems where the SFS backup cancelled due to tape I/O error
> and the backup wasn't restarted (which would unlock the storage pool that
> was locked), which caused users that want to access that pool to be denied.
> But I was surprised at the people claiming that SFS wasn't reliable, when
> all you need it for, was to serve the PROFILE EXEC to bring up the Linux
> image.  I guess it is "once burnt, twice shy", and I guess I haven't been
> "burnt" yet.
> In my world, I don't do CMS minidisks, if I have a SFS option available.
> I think SFS is reliable.  Or am I just kidding my self?
> Tom Duerbusch
> THD Consulting

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