TCPIP in z/VM has metrics that can be used to show network response time. z/VM provides transaction data. As a performance monitor that analyzes both, ESAMON will cost you less than 1% of a cpu. Could probably do what you want with just zMON at $1200/month.

Horlick, Michael wrote:

Here is the situation.

We are running z/VM 5.2 and 5 z/VSE 4.1.0 guest systems (3 production, 2 development machines) on an IBM 2066 (z800). In 2 of these VSEs there is a heavy duty CICS/TS system running.

We use SET SHARE ABS to give them a minimum target of CPU, no limits, but sometimes I have to play around and give a hard limit to some VSEs when the system is slow and the CMS users (the programmers) call me complaining of response time. Sometimes it’s because within a production VSE virtual machine a batch job (or two or three) would be running. Anyways, I was thinking of somehow capturing what a CMS user response time would be every so often and perform some action (an alert or use the SET SHARE command) when the response is slow.

I’m toying with creating a REXX EXEC which uses RXLDEV to create a logical 3270 session and have the EXEC basically “press” the ENTER key say every 30 seconds. I’m hoping this will mimic what a real interactive CMS user is experiencing. Take the time before and the time after with a ‘CP Q TIME’ and see how long it took.

The question is how accurate would this be to the real thing (interactive CMS user doing “trivial” commands like XEDIT,etc…)? I do have CA-EXPLORE VM but I’m thinking that would be maybe more overhead in running and I am not sure that finding out the machine is running above, say 98% necessarily equates to a slow CMS response time.
Would like your opinion, suggestions, etc…



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