On Fri, Jan 30, 2009 at 8:11 PM, Michael MacIsaac <mike...@us.ibm.com> wrote:

> 2) Shut door, get off email, get off IM :))
> 3) Clone to target disks (now duplicates exist - start the clock)

Be realistic. I suppose with "Magic Copying" (flashcopy, etc) you can
actually do this. But not with DDR.

These days, most VM systems programmers are overcommitted and have
minor time slices that are too short to have a DDR of a model 3
complete within one time slice. My suggestion would be to DDR from
cylinder 1 up. That way there is no time bomb ticking in your office
while you fight some other fire.
Only your RES pack has something in cylinder 0 that you need
(allocation map and directory pointer). But since you have to change
the volsers in the directory anyway, you have to DIRECTXA to the new
sysres. So all that is left is the PARM allocations (very easy to do
yourself with ICKDSF).


PS I still remember when our security manager started to make drastic
RACF changes on friday morning, then realized he had a dentist
appointment... After the treatment he decided to start his weekend
early. My weekend got also a bit longer when I got paged on saturday
night because VM did not come up after IPL anymore.

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