Short Version:

I have created a modification for FLIST that extends the input area on
each line, while still maintaining large file support.

Available at:


With thanks to Fran Hensler.

Long Version:

You may recall my posts about a year ago expressing disappointment in
the shortness of the input area in the latest versions of FLIST. I
solved the problem by using an older version of DTRYLST MODULE. Except
that it wasn't really a solution, since I had to remember that I had
done this every time I applied maintenance or upgraded, to avoiding
losing the old MODULE. Also, anyone coming in wouldn't know about this,
and could just blow the MODULE away. To top it off, the old MODULE had a
bug or two the new version fixed.

To get around all this, I have created a modification to the current
version of DTRYLST MODULE that restores the 20 or 22 byte (depending on
date format used) input area, while still maintaining the new FLIST
version's ability to handle very large files. As a localmod, it is in a
well known location, and will be flagged if any maintenance affecting it
is added to the system, irrespective of whether it is me or someone else
applying the maintenance.

The modification works by changing, for example, the record count on the
FLIST display of say 3,562,432 to 3.5M, so that it can fit into a 6 byte
field. Same with block counts. Large LRECLs have to fit into a 5 byte
field, and so 3,562,432 would be displayed as 3M. Loss of accuracy, you
say? Yes, but if you need to see the full number for any value you can
easily BROWSE the file, where it will be displayed on the header line,
or use LISTFILE, or FILELIST. Sorting by size in FLIST is not affected
by the modification, since the change is only made to the displayed
value. Suffixes you may see are K - Kilobytes, M - Megabytes, G -
Gigabytes, and T - Terabytes, all as powers of 10. Extending the
modification to include Petabytes would seem to be fairly trivial, but
anything higher would get challenging.

Couldn't I have just changed with the times and adapted to the new
version? Probably; but I've noticed a tendency in myself lately towards
being a cantankerous old goat, though most people would use (have used)
more colourful language to describe me. ;-)

If the modification interests you, give it a try (On your test system
first of course). The VMARC comes with a README file that has
installation instructions.

Please let me know what you think of it. (Dons flameproof underwear.)

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