Richard Schuh 


> -----Original Message-----
> From: The IBM z/VM Operating System 
> [] On Behalf Of Jack Woehr
> Sent: Friday, February 06, 2009 12:09 PM
> Subject: Re: lOGON WITH OUT ipL'ing
> Bob Bates wrote:
> > Well depending on if you get the VM READ before the PROFILE 
> runs, just enter AC ( NOPROF. If you don't get the read LOGON 
> userid NOIPL, the IPL CMS, the AC ( NOPROF.
> >   
> I'm having the opposite of a senior moment (or something).
> Here's something I never knew: Is that why the terminal 
> "hangs" (my unixy interpretation for the past 15 years) after 
> you IPL ... so you can enter special commands before your CMS 
> guest actually loads? Is that VM READ part of CMS or CP or 
> something in-between?
> -- 
> Jack J. Woehr            # I run for public office from time 
> to time. It's like
> # working out at the gym, you sweat 
> a lot, don't get # anywhere, and you 
> fall asleep easily afterwards.

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