Dear colleagues:

Your moderator simply must, from time to time, extol the virtue of an on-topic discussion, while simultaneously objurgating the vice of loosely-hanging, just-begging-to-be-snipped, dangling little off-topic threads. I beseech each and every one of you to view this as a character flaw on my part, and not a reflection on any other resident of our quaint little half-acre of cyberspace.

Once again, a moment has - all unanticipated - arrived and triggered an impulse. I simply must get this off my chest before my head explodes. Those of you who know me understand that this would be a singularly unattractive picture. Those who do not are welcome to engage in lurid, preferably off-list, speculation.


In a word:  Harrumph!

I would be most grateful if Kindly suppress the urge to further poke this particular thread with pointy sticks.

Sincerely yours,


Daniel P. Martin - IBMVM List Janitor /

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